For decades, we have witnessed a slow death of organisational confidence in our schools. Decisions are increasingly outsourced to policymakers, consultants, and businesses.

In Change Starts Here, Shane Leaning and Efraim Lerner advocate for the value of community-led change. The book presents a new, inclusive approach that values the voice of students, educators, families, and leaders alike.

Using reflective questions to democratise the change process, this book opens the conversation to the whole school community.

Brought to you by

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work collaborative

Organisational Development for Schools

work collaborative brings together a community committed to inside-out change in education.

As a research and advocacy group, work collaborative empowers schools to lead change for themselves as a community. We believe that the antidote to the outsourcing of decision-making is organisational confidence.

This is our North Star.

Brushstroke Arrow Smooth Curve Down Small

Based on

OUR model for sustainable organisational change

*This work is adapted from the Design Council and is licensed under a CC BY 4.0 license.

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about the model and

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